
Decisions under duress


An image of Ernest Krug and Tyler Gibb talking to each other

Ernest F. Krug III, M.Div., M.D. (左)——第四届年度克鲁格生物医学伦理学讲座的赞助商——与今年的客座讲师交谈, Tyler S. Gibb, J.D., Ph.D., co-chair of the Department of Medical Ethics, Humanities, and Law at Western Michigan University Homer Stryker M.D. School of Medicine. (Photo by Andrew Dietderich)

icon of a calendarDecember 21, 2021

icon of a pencilBy Andrew Dietderich

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The event was held Oct. 14日在OUWB的奥多德大厅(O 'Dowd Hall)与观众面对面或在线交流.

总共约有50人听了泰勒S. Gibb, J.D., Ph.D., co-chair of the Department of Medical Ethics, Humanities, and Law at Western Michigan University Homer Stryker M.D. School of Medicine.

这一年度活动与医学人文和临床生物伦理学在OUWB社区中的重要性相称——其重要性怎么强调都不为过, said Jason Wasserman, Ph.D.基础医学研究系副教授,讲座协调人.

他说:“医学人文学科中的伦理是牛津大学作为一个机构的基础。. “这是我们在课程和文化定位方面为自己定位的利基市场.”

Ernest F. Krug III, M.Div., M.D.沃瑟曼说,美国在建立课程和价值观方面发挥了重要作用.

克鲁格担任博蒙特的人类发展中心主任,并建立了博蒙特的第一个临床伦理咨询服务. After joining the inaugural faculty at OUWB, 他开发了医学人文和临床生物伦理学(MHCB)纵向课程. 

Krug attended the lecture with his wife, Sarah, and said the program holds “a very special place in my heart.他赞助了最近四次OUWB生物医学伦理讲座,并表示他认为支持此类活动“非常值得”.”


Before Gibb spoke, the audience watched a 10-minute video with a 12 students, staff, 以及与OUWB和Beaumont Health相关的教职员工向克鲁格致敬.

OUWB Stephan Sharf Dean Duane Mezwa, M.D., helped frame Krug’s impact on both institutions.

“You…spent years helping patients, families, physicians, nurses, 医疗团队的其他成员在道德上具有挑战性,往往令人痛苦的情况下工作,” said Mezwa.





“当你有足够的时间和没有压力时,做出道德决定是一回事,”他说. “当你因为时间有限和生活紧急情况带来的巨大压力而不得不做出道德决定时,这是另一场战斗.”

An image of OUWB's bioethics team with Dean Duane Mezwa, M.D.

From left, Abram Brummett, Ph.D., assistant professor, Wasserman, Krug, Gibb, and Mezwa. (Photo by Andrew Dietderich)

Reducing moral distress

During his lecture, Gibb touched on several philosophies often at play in the decision-making process: divine command theory; social contract theory; deontology/duty ethics; teleology/virtue ethics; consequentialism/utilitarianism; and more.

他还谈到了变量如何影响这些哲学的应用. Further, 吉布强调,练习是在压力下做出更好决定的关键.

“There are dozens of different frameworks, different ways in which we can make decisions, and if we get better at doing that in times of nonstress, we will get better at doing that in times of stress,” he said. 

Gibb noted that it all starts in the classroom.

“The case studies you do, 你必须对这些案例研究做出回应……理由, the challenging of each other, 你的观点和他们的观点,这些都至关重要,” he said.

吉布还强调了做出正确的道德决定的重要性,他谈到了错误的决定可能给医疗服务提供者带来的损失. 他说,过多的压力会导致倦怠和同情疲劳等问题.

“如果我们不主动减少(残余痛苦),, 随着时间的推移,我们承受的痛苦程度会逐渐增加,” he said.

这就是医学人文和临床伦理学领域培训的重要性所在, said Gibb.

“临床伦理学(和)医学人文……试图提供工具、安全空间和机制,通过这些工具和机制,我们可以减少道德上的痛苦。,” said Gibb.

After his lecture, 吉布说,他希望人们理解思考如何做决定的重要性.

“如果我们能够有这样的想法——不仅仅是应该做什么决定,还有如何做决定——我认为人们会做出更好的决定,” he said.

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